littleowl12February 4, 2025

“There is no excuse for this – not now and not in the future,” Stanikzai said. “We are being unjust to 20 million people. During the time of the prophet Muhammad, the doors of knowledge were open for both men and women,” he said. “There were such remarkable women that if I were to elaborate on their contributions, it would take a considerable amount of time.”

In Islamic Spain, Christian slave women were allowed to read and write so they could work as scribes, while Muslim women weren't. So even this is a fib. Mohamad ordered the disembowelment of a female poet who made fun of him.

LillithFebruary 4, 2025

What's happening to women in Afghanistan makes me want to watch the world burn.

JellyfishesFebruary 4, 2025

I wish we could evacuate all women and kids and nuke those men.

CattitudeFebruary 4, 2025

And evacuate the animals.

inTERFerenceFebruary 4, 2025

Afghanistan is proof that men are not “protectors”.

JACKANDJILLFebruary 4, 2025

A good man is a protector.

Can a devout Muslim be a good man? Seems impossible.

pennygadgetFebruary 4, 2025(Edited February 4, 2025)

"Yo. Maybe our country would suck less if we didn't imprison 50% of our population in their homes and force them to live in absolute misery for their entire lives?"


PeppermintFebruary 4, 2025

I'm still open to trading all the worlds TIMs for the women in Afghanistan. Its a win win for all.

JellyfishesFebruary 4, 2025

Trade them for Iranian women as well

PeppermintFebruary 4, 2025

Yes we should also have enough for them and Pakistan. And if not then they can share.

NastasyaFillipovnaFebruary 4, 2025

They strategically do this.

If they want to emigrate, they need to do some shit like this in their own country, and then seek asylum in EU or in Canada. Especially Canada.

littleowl12February 4, 2025

I actually think they should be denied entry AND aid for this. Yes, any kind of aid. They should get zero. They're beggars, not achievers, so they don't get to set the terms.

WomanwithopinionsFebruary 4, 2025

Aw geez. And here I was thinking, "well at least he's trying to do something right."

inTERFerenceFebruary 4, 2025

It sounds like he went to Dubai.

proudcatladyStepford PoohFebruary 4, 2025

Well shit.

CharliXXFebruary 4, 2025


Foxyglove8February 4, 2025

exactly right

OxyToxinFebruary 4, 2025

Yeah, then he can set up a little enclave with a radical newsletter encouraging extremist behavior wherever he lands.

littleowl12February 4, 2025

There are many countries that are trying to do better, but don't necessarily have good circumstances. They need aid.

I don't see why we should help a country that deliberately does not allow half its population to work or even learn.

Not one 1st world country exists where the literacy rate is below 85%. You can't even get that in 2nd world countries.

So why should we allow a 3rd world country to sponge off successful countries when they are intentionally not doing anything to stand on their own two feet?

That's just welfare mooching at the country level.

They're beggars. They shouldn't get to set the terms of aid.

It's not wrong at all to give them money on all sorts of terms and conditions that if they fail to meet, they get nothing. One of the terms simply must be that every child goes to school all the way to high school, including all girls.

I don't care if that's "soft colonization." Don't take our money, then. It's not our job to see to it that Pashtun culture remains unevolved eternally. We're not Pashtun. We're not even Muslims.

We'd be better off investing in a struggling but hopeful country where our money actually pays off and goes somewhere.

We're just prolonging the problem, really.

Since the monarchy fell, the shelf-life of an Afghan regime has been 5-10 years. We'd be kinder to let nature take its course with the Taliban.

Even this guy should not be allowed in the West, or any of his family members. He decided to be a Taliban warrior. He decided to be a warrior, period. So now it's on him and his sons to figure it out.

America had its problems, but conditions were much better under us. We built roads, running water, and women FINALLY were living longer than men. Did you know that, that Afghanistan was one of the few countries were women had a shorter life expectancy, which is against the natural order of things?

The Taliban claimed it could achieve everything America could and more, so let's seem them do it. Without being dirty, smelly old beggars.

I want to give this guy credit but honestly, fuck him. Too little, too late.

AlagraFebruary 4, 2025

It sucks, even those in leadership positions can't speak out againt the horrible conditions.

[Deleted]February 4, 2025