I have seen numerous examples of this kind of thing posted in Ovarit as images, but I cannot search for text within images, obviously. Does anyone have any receipts like this? (I need some examples for a research project.) Bonus points if you can find the Ovarit posts where such an image was uploaded, so I would have a stable URL reference to use.
Made me think of Epstein and his MIT Lab and Science Pedo-Cronies who wanted to breed a super human race using trafficked girls (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/01/jeffrey-epstein-seed-human-race-report)
Ana Valens, a TIM who advised journalists on how to talk about trans, posted an infamous rape fantasy. He has written for major media despite this.
And Ovarit has a thread about it https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/376731/mass-rape-advocate-ana-valens-lurks-on-ovarit-and-reports-back-to-the-mary-sue
Yes, that Ovarit post is really helpful! Thank you so much, MarthaMMC!
There was a real life example in the Daily Mail last week... I'll try to find the link....
If you find it, let me know!
Try trans logic?
I would, but there's hundred of posts and the title of the posts don't usually tell you what specifically is in the image . . . I was hoping someone could point me more specifically.
I found this so far
Yeow, thanks! I'm looking for the ones where they say they will hold women in camps and just "breed" them.
it's usually screenshots from reddit, so try searching there. I searched for "breeding camp" and this was one of the results: https://archive.md/oWb0w
Use Tor browser for this search term on preddit. You really don't want this search be associated with you by the Algorithms.