ToNorthMarch 20, 2025

Men should not be allowed these positions that millions would kill to have. If they can't control themselves they need to be removed. Stop putting the onus on women's they're not the ones showing they're unfit to work.

CryingInYourInboxMarch 20, 2025

It's always "if you don't like being sexually harassed you shouldn't have this job!" And never "if you can't handle not sexually harassing people you shouldn't have this job!"

RappaccinisDaughterMarch 20, 2025

YES! Blame the bad actors!

Metal_detectorMarch 21, 2025(Edited March 21, 2025)


gestures wildly at this article

We ARE! Men are the ones who keep trying to rape us every time we step outside.

immersangMarch 21, 2025

This is what I also hate about the type of YouTuber who travels around the world and proclaims that everyone should do it and that it's just a question of "going out of your comfort zone".

Sure, doing that as a man - and not only that, but a young, healthy, strong man - seems relatively easy. As a woman on the other hand...

Metal_detectorMarch 21, 2025

Like these men do not realize how tone deaf they sound to half of the population. I’m very much a risk taker. I have and will continue to travel around as much as I can, because I am deeply curious.

That being said, I refuse to go to the Middle East (a little sad for me because my family is from the Middle East, and I’d love to see their old village), the Indian subcontinent, and certain parts of Eastern Europe.

There are many place I would probably go to, but only with someone with me.

I lived in Germany as an au pair in my early 20s and did a lot of solo traveling. There were some situations I got myself in which I look back on and realize how stupid and risky I was being. I would bar hop with strangers. Even groups of men I had JUST MET that evening. In my 30s I look back and I’m shocked. I’m so lucky that nothing horrible happened to me.

I watch some of these male travelers. I am always amazed how they can just exist and float on through. Going into the most sketchy areas and be just fine. If they do find something like a hidden camera somewhere, they just laugh about it.

It’s insane to see how the world could be if I wasn’t female. These male travelers simply do not recognize how much of their experience is influenced by their sex.

immersangMarch 21, 2025

Yep, same for me. I travel alone a lot, but staying away from the places you mentioned as well. It’s just not worth the risk, even though I would love to visit some Middle Eastern countries in particular.

KaboodleMarch 20, 2025(Edited March 20, 2025)

This is yet another reminder that men we may think of as harmless science nerds, or harmless computer geeks, or harmless theatre dandies, are all malevolent rapists (ie. men). Just try “friend zoning” one of these wimpy losers and watch the real angry entitled vicious predator emerge.

Metal_detectorMarch 21, 2025

these men are the most vengeful and spiteful when rejected. It’s super scary.

59% of women in ANTARCTICA say they've been sexually harassed or assaulted.

DurableBookMarch 20, 2025

Strong argument for making that continent women-only.

chocolatefondant21March 20, 2025

Make the entire planet women-only. The men can move to Mars.

DeafCatMeowMarch 20, 2025

Yeah, and honestly, another entire continent. Not just this uninhabitable ice desert.

I was thinking the very same!

atomic_brunetteMarch 20, 2025

Even at the ends of the earth women are not safe from men's propensity for sexual violence.

pennygadgetMarch 20, 2025(Edited March 20, 2025)

Sadly, it's not a surprise. The women there are trapped and isolated in the bio-dome. They can't run outside or call the authorities or a friend like a woman could in a normal place

PerenelleFlamelMarch 21, 2025

Did anyone see what's currently happening in the Antarctic now with the South African contingent? One of the men began acting erratically and sexually assaulted one of the women, and they are begging to be rescued, but there isn't another ship that can pick them up until December.

Unbelievably awful.

WegotthebeatMarch 21, 2025

No there has to be a way

HoneycreeperBird LesbianMarch 21, 2025

I say it’s only the fairest punishment if men want to act like animals, they should be treated like animals.

Hunt him for sport

pennygadgetMarch 20, 2025

We all thought The Thing was the scariest thing in Antarctica. Nope. It's the men

Man vs The Thing challenge

atomic_brunetteMarch 20, 2025

Been a long time since I've seen that movie but wasn't it an all-male cast?

CattitudeMarch 20, 2025

I think it was. Only film I forced myself to finish, and that was because at 18 I didn't have much cash for cinema tickets. Horrible film, those poor dogs.

kahnradoshoMarch 21, 2025

None of the dogs were harmed in the making of that movie though.

CattitudeMarch 21, 2025

I wasn't thinking they were, it's their fate in the story I meant.

atomic_brunetteMarch 20, 2025

I'd forgotten about the dogs. ☹️

pennygadgetMarch 20, 2025

I think they did a remake where some of the characters were female. But I'm not sure because I'm not a huge fan of horror movies. LOL

JellyfishesMarch 20, 2025

I'll choose Shoggoths over men any day, thank you

LavenderskyMarch 20, 2025(Edited March 20, 2025)

I'm always curious how the women who are against all government and pro-anarchy would respond to these stories. There's so little stopping males now, but when there's basically no law and order, what would make males suddenly behave??

Yeah, I don't see how being a woman and being an anarchist works at all.

LavenderskyMarch 20, 2025(Edited March 20, 2025)

it requires massive delusion about the nature of males. I know a woman in her 60s who thinks the main problem facing the world is simply government, and without it, everyone would help everyone. right.

She must live a very sheltered life.

CryingInYourInboxMarch 20, 2025(Edited March 20, 2025)

They literally think all the men will turn to her and say "Oh wait fellas this one shitposted edgy memes about repealing the 19th on her Twitter, lets not rape this one!"

AmareldysMarch 21, 2025

It is my understanding that anarchists aren’t so much against all rules but are in favor of consensus-based governance

With sexual dimorphism, that can slide pretty easily into patriarchy.

AmareldysMarch 21, 2025

Yes, well.

Womenssafety7March 20, 2025

Cameron Dailey-Ruddy - a bartender on the base - said: 'It was kind of an open secret at that point that that guy had been harassing her.' He added that Buckingham was at the bars most nights, sometimes drank in public areas and harassed women.

There is a bartender, and possibly more than one bartender since they didn’t say “the bartender”, employed there? But no security? And a bartender who was fully aware of this predatory behavior and kept serving him drinks and did nothing to help his female victims.

GenXerMarch 20, 2025

The comments are...very VERY male

LavenderskyMarch 20, 2025

"And they still think women on submarines for 3 month patrol a good idea." "If she wasn't up to it why did she bother going ?. She knew what the conditions were like !."

TheDirtyYumejoMarch 21, 2025

And men wonder why women rarely go into stem fields. Reading shit like this just reinforces my sheer vitriol towards human males

GraysEndlessInciteMarch 20, 2025

Yet another reason why it is so foolish to mix men and women in remote, isolated operations or battlefield operations. Some man gets handsy and no matter what outcome it's going to be bad. Say the woman does defend herself, now whatever the groups mission was is going to be majorly disrupted. That's the best case scenario. If the man gets away with SA he'll keep doing it and other men might be emboldened to do it too.

I used to believe "not all men" are sexual abusers. But it really doesn't matter because there's no realistic way of distinguishing men who would SA and those who wouldn't, given an easy opportunity.

IsThereADogMarch 21, 2025

The only difference is the opportunity for a chance to get away with it. Only reason more haven't already done it is because that chance hasn't come for them yet

HoneycreeperBird LesbianMarch 20, 2025(Edited March 20, 2025)

AirDrop the men out of Antarctica into the arctic and let the polar bears have them

CattitudeMarch 20, 2025

This was in the Antarctic - no bears. Though I'd love to see men fed to polar bears, since they're responsible for their endangered status.

HoneycreeperBird LesbianMarch 20, 2025

I know, that’s why I’m saying they need to take all the men out of Antarctica and into the Arctic, so the bears can get them

CattitudeMarch 20, 2025

Ah, gotcha!

JellyfishesMarch 20, 2025

I was gonna suggest sending men only to the arctic, but I'm worried about what they're gonna do to the poor bears.

CattitudeMarch 21, 2025

Make sure they’re unarmed.

JBeauvoirMarch 20, 2025

why tf do they have a bar?

faerieberryMarch 21, 2025

Right? and the article mentioned “the bars” there’s more than one? In Antarctica?? I had no idea

broccolipathsofgloryMarch 21, 2025

There are probably a lot of people who wouldn't be able to survive in those conditions without alcohol.