The 90's already tried to raise awareness on behalf poor men. They even had an anthem to raise awareness. "Scrubs."
Posted March 22, 2025 by littleowl12 in WomensLiberation


Always there's this handmaid who makes this point.

Middle class women turn into Hitler the second you point out poor men exist

Yes, scientists have indeed confirmed they exist. You see, a scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly, and is also known as a busta.

My experience being socialized as a white “woman” made me acutely aware that I have privilege in society over many men of color and my whims can be backed by a violent militarized police force hellbent on arresting and enslaving them. Why is this hard for people to grasp?

The nature of the Scrub is Always talkin' about what he wants, and just sits on his broke ass.

Gender can provide some unifying experiences, but it’s not a singular all encompassing hierarchy of power. Nancy Pelosi has had more power over me my whole life than my neighbor who happens to be a man. This shouldn’t be controversial to point out?

And Jay-Z is a billionaire, making him more privileged than the average white guy, so white privilege doesn't exist, why is this controversial?

It also is in no way at odds with acknowledging the reality of violence against women in particular and how it manifests — mostly through intimate partner violence. Both of these things are true and coexist simultaneously.

It goes beyond intimate partner violence and the fact that wife beating is so common implies some structural privilege, don't you think? Why is Gabby Petito dead, when the police were right fucking there? Gabby Petito was white and her family was wealthier than the average police officer, so what happened?

Why is it so common for women to die at the hands of their male partners even when these same women call for the police? I'm a little curious about this.

Nobody thinks gender is inconsequential, just that any assessment of gender without class is incomplete. Racism and misogyny are real, but Kamala Harris, Condoleeza Rice, Beyoncé, Oprah, etc. still all have (or have had) more power than a poor white man.

I don't understand taking a handful of exceptional elites as a means to describe common society. Queen Elizabeth I was the most powerful woman in England but that meant absolutely nothing, fuck all, for women in the 17th century in terms of rights and liberation.

This is the problem with SJW analysis of "intersectionality." It's used like Rock Paper Scissors. Rolling Dungeons and Dragons D-20 to see who is the most oppressedest in any situation. Somehow, women usually roll zero.

With the rape gangs in the UK, while working class white girls were targeted, this included some middle class girls. If they even dared to report it, investigations went nowhere or were intentionally sabotaged. The perpetrators were supposed to be working class brown foreign men dependent on benefits, who are lower on the oppression hierarchy this woman is talking about. And yet the authorities chose to protect violent criminals over young girls. So I'm not even sure if this description of society even works.

It's extremely uncommon to wrongly convicted of rape, and with most of those cases, it's mistaken identity, not that a woman made up a story whole cloth. So it's not a matter of rich women snapping their fingers and jailing the gardener for life for fucking up the begonias.

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