ResourceIn advance of Ovarit closing, consider signing the Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights and getting involved with WDI
Posted March 23, 2025 by WDI_USA in WomensLiberation

The Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights has almost 40,000 signatures globally. Make sure you've signed in order to be connected to a network of women with events online and in person.

If you're in the US, you can apply to volunteer with WDI USA here.

If you're outside the US, apply to be a volunteer in your country here.


atomic_brunetteMarch 23, 2025

Is it okay to sign just my first name?

WDI_USA [OP]March 24, 2025

Yes! Email rather than name is the unique identifier to make it possible for women to do that.

faerieberryMarch 23, 2025

Thank you, I signed!

crodishfuck this earthMarch 23, 2025

I reached out to my country representative a year ago and just... never heard back, even after checking in again. I'll assume things just fizzled out

Is there another way for me to reach out? I don't have the know-how myself to be in-charge, so I'd rather be in a supportive role to someone who knows what they're doing

WDI_USA [OP]March 24, 2025

If your country contact is MIA, I'd reach out to info@womensdeclaration.com and let them know that the contact isn't responsive and see if they know anyone else in the country. Or if you want to go ahead with volunteering you can do that here.

Artemis_Lives🏹March 23, 2025

Signed it.🤝

areteMarch 23, 2025

Seconded. And definitely sign up to WDI's weekly webinars!

WDI_USA [OP]March 24, 2025

Yes! These are a great way to hear about current events and connect with women in the chats and breakout rooms.

GrayMarch 23, 2025

Signed! Thank you so much for sharing!

momofreyrellaMarch 23, 2025


RighteousIndignationMarch 24, 2025

I signed it ages ago but never heard anything back. same goes for LWS I wanted to help them out somehow.

WDI_USA [OP]March 24, 2025

Did you opt in to email? I think you must not have because otherwise you would be getting regular newsletters. The box is somewhat small.

RighteousIndignationMarch 24, 2025

Yeah I think I do I don't really use that account its for spam, and I am subbed to them on YT

CattitudeMarch 24, 2025

I was mildly surprised to see Australia on the country list.

OpalsMarch 23, 2025

Not signing - it’s anti-lesbian as you’ve been told before

crodishfuck this earthMarch 23, 2025(Edited March 23, 2025)

Which part of it is anti-lesbian?

Point 5 literally says:

  1. Peaceful assembly and association

Women have a right to peaceful assembly and a freedom of association. This should include the right to assemble and associate based on their sex. Lesbians should have a right to assemble and associate on the basis of their sexual orientation. Women's assemblies and associations should not have to include men who claim to have female ‘gender identities’.

And from the full text:

Sexual orientation rights are necessary in eliminating discrimination against those who are sexually attracted to persons of the same sex. Rights relating to sexual orientation are compatible with women’s sex-based rights, and are necessary to enable lesbians, whose sexual orientation is towards other women, to fully exercise their sex-based rights.

The only possible issue I see comes from the Lesbian Bill, not the Women's one:


RESOLVED, that as we do not yet, and may never, fully know the origin of sexual orientation, lesbians have the right to be protected as lesbians regardless of how their lesbianism arose – whether inborn, socially influenced, or chosen;

Because this still insinuates that sexual oreintation is a choice, when it is not - and if it is a choice, then it is supporting "queer theory" gender orientation, not sexual orientation.

OpalsMarch 23, 2025

Yes, they believe that sexual orientation is a choice and this view has been promoted by this organisation for years

crodishfuck this earthMarch 24, 2025(Edited March 24, 2025)

I do agree that line is homophobic. Bisexual or straight women claiming to be lesbian is annoying, if not harmful, and there's a lot of misrepresentation with "political lesbians" who are just "settling", and lesbians being led on by women who eventually seek out dick.

Unfortunately it might be that they're focusing on elliminating the greater threat of males masquerading as females, and therefore claiming themselves lesbians, as the larger threat at the moment.

I'll hope that once we can lock it down that orientation isn't a choice, since men can't choose to be lesbians on the basis of being male, that women will also be subject to this scrutiny. If sexual orientation "is a choice" - which it isn't, because why would straight women stay straight otherwise - then it dismantles their entire argument.

Women aren't lesbians just because they're female, they're lesbians because they are exclusively same sex attracted females.

OpalsMarch 26, 2025(Edited March 26, 2025)

How can we ‘lock it down’ when the organisation is run a by a woman whose career has been dedicated to denigrating lesbians’ sexual orientation?

You’re all downvoting me but then she enjoys telling heterosexual women that they are choosing oppression by being exclusively attracted to men… don’t shoot the messenger

crodishfuck this earthMarch 26, 2025

It's two downvotes, and they weren't from me, I agreed with you.

Not signing the bill in protest, and continuing to highlight this back to WDI everytime it comes up, raises awareness for this problematic issue to others. I'm not sure how I feel about the supposed representative not responding to any of our comments on this particular issue while addressing others.