Saw the disappointing news on Twitter. From an interview with the Dutch newspaper, De Volkskrant:
Zelf werd Adichie het afgelopen jaar voor de tweede keer moeder. Van een tweeling, de jongens zijn 11 maanden oud. Haar man, Ivara Esege, arts, is om die reden voor onbepaalde tijd met verlof. Op de vraag hoe je in hetzelfde jaar een roman en een tweeling kunt baren, begint Adichie te lachen. ‘Ze zijn via een draagmoeder geboren. Ik heb ze niet zelf gedragen, anders was dat absoluut onmogelijk geweest.’
(DeepL translation: Adichie herself became a mother for the second time this past year. Of twins; the boys are 11 months old. Her husband, Ivara Esege, a doctor, is on indefinite leave for that reason. Asked how you can give birth to a novel and twins in the same year, Adichie begins to laugh. 'They were born through a surrogate mother. I didn't carry them myself, otherwise that would have been absolutely impossible.')
Another interview with The Irish Times:
Adichie herself is a mother to a nine-year-old daughter, and most recently, to twin boys, who arrived 10 months ago, and whose existence she kept largely under wraps from the public. How did she manage that?
She laughs. “My babies were actually born by surrogate. But in those early months I’m falling in love. And there’s something that’s just so precious about it that you just do not want it to be knowledge owned by people who do not know you.”
Ugh, I hate how normalized surrogacy has become. I don't understand how one can make another woman carry her children yet still considers herself a feminist.