Book ClubsWhy Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft | Changing the Abusive Man, The Process of Change | Chapter 14
Posted March 16, 2024 by Unicorn in Books

Welcome to another discussion post for Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft.

In this post, we are discussing Part IV, Changing the Abusive Man, Chapter 14 The Process of Change.

Share your thoughts on this chapter and overall book section in the comments. (Feel free to also share thoughts and suggestions on the discussion post and bookclub structure itself.)

Next chapter is the last chapter! Next week, I am going to make two posts. One is going to be the chapter 15 discussion and the other is going to be a whole book summary discussion. The "whole book summary discussion post" would be a post that would be easy to link for anyone who might be curious about reading the book, it'd have all the discussion posts listed and the comments would be all-encompassing about the book, not chapter specific. It might be a good post for women to link to who want to encourage women to read the book.

Anyone who hasn't read the book but wants to give input on the topics discussed are welcome to as well! (I recommend mentioning that you haven't read the chapter in your post, so people are aware of that when replying.)

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ItzpapalotlMarch 16, 2024(Edited March 16, 2024)

It’s been a long time since I read this book.

Unfortunately I tend to be too forgiving and accepting of hurtful behaviour....I don’t know if humans can change who they fundamentally are?

I have indeed grown as a person but have had my own inner self distinct and noticeable since being a baby. We’re all a product of our environment/childhood/trauma.....is that making excuses in so far as DV?(I was in an abusive relationship for 7 months and it felt all wrong but I’d make excuse after excuse for him physically, emotionally and sexually abusing me :/

I like that Bancroft truly makes NO excuses for abusive men. It’s a breath of fresh air. I feel pathetically grateful for him, a man, speaking so earnestly and assertively...probably a bit pathetic tbh (me, I mean, for being grateful) 🙃

Unicorn [OP]March 17, 2024

Unfortunately I tend to be too forgiving and accepting of hurtful behaviour....I don’t know if humans can change who they fundamentally are?

It's okay, I am too, it's something I'm working on. One important thing I learned is that "forgiveness is for yourself." Which means, do not feel like you have to forgive someone just because they apologized, only forgive someone if you actually want to forgive them. I think that helps a lot.

I do really believe people can change who they are, however I also understand that people have to want to change for themselves. So I always have the belief that people can change, and I also acknowledge people may not want to change. I have to accept that and move on with my life. If somebody doesn't want to change their hurtful ways, then they don't get to be part of my life.

We’re all a product of our environment/childhood/trauma.....is that making excuses in so far as DV?

I don't know. I think what we can do is acknowledge that, yes, our environment, traumas, and childhoods do affect us in our present form and we can also acknowledge that being abusive is wrong. I like the quote "it's not your fault but it is your responsibility" when it comes to such quandaries. Meaning, yes maybe somebody had a traumatic childhood, and their abusive behaviors are not okay. Lundy goes over this in his book. It's not their past, it's not their trauma, it's not their environment that makes people abusive, people choose to be abusive.

I  feel pathetically grateful for him, a man, speaking so earnestly and assertively...probably a bit pathetic tbh (me, I mean, for being grateful) 🙃

I don't think you need to feel pathetic for feeling grateful. 🫂 I am also grateful that Lundy made this book. He has a lot of "inside knowledge" that women probably would never get about abusive men, because he is a man himself and men act differently around fellow men than they do when around women.

ItzpapalotlMarch 17, 2024

Loved all of this reply, especially the part about abuse coming from abuse (generational abuse) not being your fault but being your responsibility. That’s some good knowledge right there and I will remember it.

I really hope you’re right about wanting to change - I’m happy with myself in so far as being loving, caring and gentle but really need to work on self esteem and not consistently letting others walk all over me. This reply has been really helpful, thankyou sister 💚