I recently created a radfem/GC tumblr account, and something interesting I noticed is that I'm getting a lot more interactions and followers for this account than my previous GC tumblr account (which I deleted a while back). And this is after not doing a whole lot besides occasionally liking/reblogging some posts. I can't say for certain, but perhaps the radfem side of Tumblr seems to be waking up, or at the very least getting more users. I don't want to get my hopes up too soon since this is very anecdotal. But if radical feminism/gender criticism activity is increasing on Tumblr of all places, that might be a good sign!
That’s good to hear, especially as there have been many radfem or GC accounts on Tumblr for years. I just looked at it for the first time in probably a year yesterday, and saw the same women I used to follow are still active.
That's awesome, especially because a lot of girls and women arrive at the conclusion that they're trans through tumblr. If they encounter even one dissenting voice in a sea of affirmation, it might give them pause.
I've actually seen more GC/ prostitution critical content on TikTok as well, which is huge-- a few years ago you'd be hard pressed to find any GC content without it getting immediately mass reported.
Some GC YouTubers I watch have been showing GC Tik Tok videos as well, so that's heartening! A lot of the gender lunacy comes from these social media platforms, so GC content from the same sources may help turn the tide.
Makes me want to join Tumblr again...
I deleted my art account on Tumblr a while back because I was so disgusted with all the gender woo on that site in particular. So much trans and TQA+ related art and fic and posts, and so much circle jerking, I was just so sick of it. But now that I've seen an uptick in GC activity there... I dunno, maybe one day it'll be decent enough to go back to for posting art. Lord knows all the other social media platforms are terrible for art/fandom related works.
I'm afraid to risk posting art in case I'm somehow recognized. I can draw in a variety of styles but I'm kind of irrationally scared to try it, because TRAs are irrational people.
Yeah I definitely get how that feels. I felt the same way at first, but eventually I decided to come out as a TERF/GC on my art account. So I'm past the point of caring whether people recognize me. Reason I did it is that if I'm proudly open about being a TERF from the get go, it can't be used against me.
You're an inspiration. I'm in Canada and I feel so torn. I wish gender critical views were more up for discussion here.
The situation in Canada is pretty horrifying :/ Hopefully all of North America wakes up to this lunacy, sooner rather than later.
Yeah absolutely, I'm experiencing this too. And maybe more significantly, I've had way more followers from people who aren't necessarily gender critical and are just lurkers. It could be radfems with main accounts that are fandoms, general, etm., whatever, but definitely surprised at the amount of non-radfem blogs that are following me to lurk.
It's awesome to hear I'm not the only one with this experience! I'm so happy to hear more and more people are fighting back against the TRAs on Tumblr, it genuinely gives me hope.
When Tumblr banned porn, most of the coomers migrated over to Reddit. I've heard some say that this new influx of left-leaning degenerates was what caused Reddit's slip into left-wing authoritarainism.
It doesn't strike me as an unlikely theory. The fall of r/GenderCritical and other such subreddits DID happen very, very soon after the Tumblr exodus began.
But anyway, if all that's left on Tumblr are women who don't care about porn, then I'm not surprised this is happening.
Yeah I've also heard that both Reddit and Twitter fell victim to the left wing authoritarianism because of the porn ban on Tumblr, but I'm not so sure. The overwhelming vast majority of the Tumblr user base was and is still female, so I'm not sure where the AGP TiM/leftist authoritarian males came from.
Are you sure they were always as female as you think they were? Or were they just saying they were female?
I'm not saying you're right or wrong; I genuinely don't know either.
Just the fact that every single tumblr user I knew back then, and know now, have all been female - and I have known many many of them. This is also the case with all of my friends who know or have known others on Tumblr. I have never known a male who used Tumblr, and this is largely the case with everyone else I come across who is familiar with those who use the platform. However, in my experience it's completely inversed with Reddit, or at least it was back then. I think Reddit has changed quite a bit, but I'm pretty sure Tumblr remains overwhelmingly female.
Edit: forgot to mention, every blog post I come across that mentions the users sex is by a female. I've never come across a blog post on Tumblr that was written by a biological male, when the sex was stated. I.e., lots and lots of mentions of "transmen", "AFAB", "AFAB non-binary", the mentions of breasts and periods, distinctly female experiences, regardless of whether or not they want to call themselves female.
Edit #2: I follow a substack group called PITT (Parents with Inconvenient Truth about Trans). When I read articles from parents with trans-identified daughters, overwhelmingly they mentioned that the site they got their trans identity from was Tumblr. It is consistently mentioned again and again, but again, only with daughters and female relatives. Helena Kerschner, a well known detransitioner, also talks about how girls come to congregate on the site, and how she and many other of those girls came to believe they were trans through tumblr. I have never come across an article with trans-identified sons that mention Tumblr. Those tend to come from Discord or Reddit, when social media is involved.
As you can see, all of this is anecdotal. I don't have precise data, I can only pull from my experience and the many experiences of others.
Tumblr is and has been a hub for female creativity, but female-centric fandoms have always attracted a certain type of male fan. There was the DeviantArt to Tumblr pipeline of furries. Straight up porn accounts were rampant on there and it's actually the first and only online place I ever got personally harassed.
For sure, I loved using Tumblr for creative works before I realized just how infested the place is with gender lunacy. It's definitely the best site for the kind of things I draw, Twitter, Instagram, etc can't compare.
Unfortunately, I have found that female fans can be just as bad as males when it comes to things like harassment. Just speaking from my own personal experiences, especially when to come to TiFs and their allies.
I have seen a number of male Tumblr users out there (both trans-identified and not). I've seen them descending on radfem posts and I also see them sometimes when checking out my followers' followers. I also know a couple of males IRL who say they used to use Tumblr. But you're right that we're the overwhelming majority. I'm certain that's why it's such a good website.
I'm not so certain I'd call it a good website. I faced my own share of harassment and horrible treatment at the hands of other women on Tumblr. They can get extremely nasty. Really ruins the experience, especially given that Tumblr is more of a community driven site. At least, it was supposed to be.