I recently created a radfem/GC tumblr account, and something interesting I noticed is that I'm getting a lot more interactions and followers for this account than my previous GC tumblr account (which I deleted a while back). And this is after not doing a whole lot besides occasionally liking/reblogging some posts. I can't say for certain, but perhaps the radfem side of Tumblr seems to be waking up, or at the very least getting more users. I don't want to get my hopes up too soon since this is very anecdotal. But if radical feminism/gender criticism activity is increasing on Tumblr of all places, that might be a good sign!
Makes me want to join Tumblr again...
I deleted my art account on Tumblr a while back because I was so disgusted with all the gender woo on that site in particular. So much trans and TQA+ related art and fic and posts, and so much circle jerking, I was just so sick of it. But now that I've seen an uptick in GC activity there... I dunno, maybe one day it'll be decent enough to go back to for posting art. Lord knows all the other social media platforms are terrible for art/fandom related works.
I'm afraid to risk posting art in case I'm somehow recognized. I can draw in a variety of styles but I'm kind of irrationally scared to try it, because TRAs are irrational people.
Yeah I definitely get how that feels. I felt the same way at first, but eventually I decided to come out as a TERF/GC on my art account. So I'm past the point of caring whether people recognize me. Reason I did it is that if I'm proudly open about being a TERF from the get go, it can't be used against me.
You're an inspiration. I'm in Canada and I feel so torn. I wish gender critical views were more up for discussion here.
The situation in Canada is pretty horrifying :/ Hopefully all of North America wakes up to this lunacy, sooner rather than later.