GC Social MediaMarsh Video Reactor Deletes "Offensive Content"
Posted March 12, 2023 by VenusBlursed in GenderCritical


Shumirun Nessa now begging for mercy after TRAs and Islamophobes continue to threaten not only her life but her children. She acquiesced for their safety and I feel just sick after watching this.

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penelopekittyDecember 20, 2022

They always try to take a dig at gender critical people. They are not critical of gender stereotypes, they haven't come to their senses, they just regret their transition, mostly for personal reasons.

ProxyMusicDecember 20, 2022(Edited December 20, 2022)

Many of the young and youngish female detransitioners strike me as just as hung up on sexist stereotypes now as before when they were "trans." They try very hard to dress, style their hair and wear clothes and makeup that make them look as stereotypically "feminine" as possible.

They also agonize - IMO often needlessly - about their voices, unaware that some women have always had deep voices, and especially back in the days when a lot of people chain-smoked, quite a few women had deep, husky, hoarse voices. They seem unaware as well that it's very common and natural for women's voices to deepen and men's voices to get higher past middle age. This is because as people age, the vocal cords become thinner, the cartilage of the larynx becomes harder and less flexible, the muscles of the the larynx and respiratory system weaken, and lung capacity often lessens due to disease, lack of exercise, weight gain, loss of mobility and changes in posture (particularly in women who become stooped and gnarled). What's more, due to social isolation and other factors, many older people often go for days, weeks or longer without speaking much or at all, which also causes changes in the voice.