Would love to meet others in fandom that don't subscribe to gender woo. The world of fandom is saturated with this trans horror show. I can't go anywhere on Tumblr without seeing art of trans glorification. At first I could tolerate it (as in, agree to disagree), but after a pretty shitty experience in my old fandom, I no longer can. Feel free to message me if you wanna talk more. I'm also IvaHian on Twitter, where I am an out and proud TERF on my fandom account. Check me out if you wanna know more about me before we talk!
I hate that it seems to be everywhere. Every fandom, every site. AO3 is a cesspit even on a good day, but the last time I looked at it I had to block a ridiculous amount of tags.
Plus it seems to be in most modern books/shows, and authors are even retconning older characters to be gender specials.
I hate it. This hot mess of an ideology can't go away fast enough.
The irony is that any female character was almost always accused of being a Mary-Sue by someone, and writing actual Mary-Sue fiction was considered to be terrible form.
Then they go and do this, and applaud each other.
Gosh, yes. Literally any female character and the pitchforks and Mary-Sue complaints would come out. That term lost meaning so fast. It just became another short-hand for "female character I don't like."
I wish bad self-insert fic had really been the bottom of the barrel. Simpler times.
I kept some of my stuff on AO3, but tore down the rest. I can't see sites like AO3 and Tumblr the same way since peaking, since I know the role they have in making impressionable girls and women ID as trans.
The cult drives me absolutely batty. I stopped using tumblr ages ago, and I never got into twitter, so I think I avoided the worst of it. But pro-trans mindsets have sucked every ounce of excitement from regular fandom discussions.
So, I'm back to reading fic and browsing art. It's quiet and I can set my own pace. I like to write fic myself, so maybe I'll put more into that. You can count me being the wild!
You're so right. I've stopped searching up new fanart and fanfic for the most part, because the chance I'll come across something traaaaaans related is too great. I used to not care, until the gendies made me care lol.
I hope you write more fic! We need more radfems in fandom, sucks that we've basically been forced underground.
Thank you so much. I am not brave enough to come out as GC on my main, but I am very very happy to see someone having the breasts to do so.
Shine on, I hope you're part of a waterfall movement.
"Having the breasts to do so" lol I love this
having the breasts to do so.
Love your parlance, I'm stealing this 😁
I hope I can encourage more fandom TERFs to speak out as well. Every time one of us does, we give permission for other women to as well.
Not a fanartist, but used to be in fandom too ! Well, I still am, I'm just much less involved than before for multiple reasons, thankfully not all trans cult related.
I kind of stopped doing fandom for a few years and then came back around to it...it felt a lot like that Community gif with that man bringing pizza in a room on fire. There are few things sadder than seeing fanarts of some random male character drawn as a mutilated teenage girl - makes me wish Mary-Sue fics were still around. I never really liked it, but it feels like a much healthier way to self-insert.
Yeah ...
I recently came across a fanfic that seriously made Edward Ferrars from Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility a transman.
A transman. In a time when women would NEVER have been allowed to trans out of their status as second class citizens.
Fandom is rife with some of the most disgusting misogyny I've seen in my life.
1- Your art is dope, great job 10/10
2- I'm not really into fandom and I haven't read fanfic since middle school, which is why I was so intrigued when a fellow adult told me she's into fanfic. We chatted about it. Long story short she told me she reads a bunch of 'this character is a transman' (he's not) fic, and the reasons she thinks it 'works perfectly' are for the most sexist reasons I might have heard a supposed 'progressive' utter out loud. One was straight up disturbing. She calls herself a feminist and when I suggested her reasoning was so upfront sexist she seemed baffled. She couldn't see it that way. Anecdotal but, "the most disgusting misogyny I've seen in my life" is right.
Thank you so much!
Anecdotal but, "the most disgusting misogyny I've seen in my life" is right.
And yup, and the thing is that transformative fandom attracts so many girls, so they're learning that misogyny right of the bat.
Long story short she told me she reads a bunch of 'this character is a transman' (he's not) fic, and the reasons she thinks it 'works perfectly' are for the most sexist reasons I might have heard a supposed 'progressive' utter out loud.
Let me guess ... because Edward Ferrars is shy and humble, he must actually be a woman with gender delusions?
(I don't know whom else they trans, but I am guessing they trans every sensitive, gentle male character they can get their hands on ...)
You would think it was “every sensitive, gentle male character” but then you remember their ideology makes no sense and doing the slightest thing out of the gender box makes you literally not male.
The character is a marvel superhero. You know, a roided out punchy shooty superhero. The reasons: he cries, he’s tortured which is related to “powerlessness which is feminine.” Some creepy stuff about the appearance of the actor who plays him that I can’t quite remember because it was batshit but I remember being disturbed.
The more disturbing one, she said it’s implied somewhere the characters been assaulted she had to show me the scene, she’s kinda right, but “sexual assault is feminine coded” was the one that left me speechless.
Let me know if you’ve heard that statement before, that was a new one for me. Like I said I’m not in fandom. Knowing her, not well, she was probably quoting tumblr I doubt she came up with that reasoning herself.
Your art looks dope (from the brief glance Elon deigned to give me before insisting I sign up for X (I refuse). Do you post anywhere else?
I'm active in fandoms (mostly horror and comics) but I'm not out of the terf witch closet, I'm not brave enough. Major respect to you for having the ovaries to speak truth to power.
Thank you!! It's been so difficult to draw since peaking, been slowly chugging along haha. Twitter is where I'm most active, though I used to post on Tumblr a lot before summer 2022, had to tear everything down after my fandom experience haha. Thought about going back, but then I see the drama on there and I'm like nope. I have an IG as well, but don't post often. I wish there was a place for radfems to post their art, without having to share a platform with TRAs who treat us so horribly. I'd post here on Ovarit more often, but I draw a lot of men and I don't think the women here want to see that so much. So I'm at a loss of where to go.
I totally understand your decision to not want to TERF out yet, it is a very difficult decision and was definitely very hard at first (before I got used to not giving a shit haha).
Your art is amazing! I love making art, gifs, and video edits! I want to try to get into writing fanfic. I'm on tumblr but I don't share any radfem stuff. There's some cool art and people on tumblr but the misogynist and trans stuff is so annoying to see.
Thank you so much! And that's awesome, keep being creative 😎 It's always heartening hearing that not all women in fandom subscribe to genderism. And you're so right, Tumblr is absolutely saturated with misogynistic/trans crap, I couldn't handle it anymore while keeping my sanity intact haha
Hello! I’ve not written in a long time, my art skills are terrible, but fanfic was sometime I was involved with from the 70s onwards. What a nightmare things are now, with everyone having to be a genderqueer differently-abled mentally ill polyamorous…folx, or whatever the singular of that word is.
I know a couple of older women who are struggling likewise with fandom’s recent insanity. It’s good to find someone here who’s not enamoured with the current madness too!
At first I could tolerate it (as in, agree to disagree), but after a pretty shitty experience in my old fandom, I no longer can.
Happened to me, too.
I'm not an artist, more of a fanfic writer, or used to be.
Sorry to hear that, friend. I know how rough it came be. Hate how gendies have turned what should be fun spaces into cesspools.
Do you write fanfic still?
Thank you! I hope you didn't have quite as shitty an experience as I had ... though knowing what I know now, I fear it might have been even worse.
I haven't written fanfic for a while, both because I was busy with work and also because I became disillusioned (I had originally fled to Harry Potter fandom, hoping people there would be sane, because Rowling, but ... yeah no. Gendies didn't have the decency to leave.)
When I have time I would like to get back to writing, either fanfic or original.
I would love a radfem fanart site. Hope there's enough of us so that it can be done?
knowing what I know now
Ain't that a tale as old as time haha. On the one hand, if I'd known then what I know now, I never would have gotten involved with fandom in the first place. On the other hand, if the Dishonored fandom never peaked me, I would not be nearly as well-informed as I am now. It's definitely a double edged sword. Ignorance is bliss, but ignorance is ignorance.
If you don't mind, maybe we can exchange stories of our shitty fandom experiences? My DMs are open. It was so difficult at first, because I thought I was the only one who experienced something like this.
When I have time I would like to get back to writing, either fanfic or original
Time is always a factor, it's made things so difficult for me as well. When I had am easier job, I was able to draw more but it's been a while since that.
I would love a radfem fanart site. Hope there's enough of us so that it can be done?
Unfortunately I don't think there's enough of us, or enough of us willing to put our work out there and risk being recognized, to make our own fanart site. If anything, it'd have to be a discord server or something like that.
I am nominally in fandom! Not very active currently, and not on twitter at all, but I relatively recently have been posting fanfic on AO3 (I wrote fic but didn't share before that haha) and even less often draw (terrible) fanart.
I've always had mixed feelings about Fandom Culture despite Fandom being my primary social space There are some appealing aspects, but in other ways it is even more alienating than mainstream culture. (I grew up assuming this was bc I'm autistic, but now the most alienating members of fandom are also the loudest about being autistic, too, so I guess I have some other problem.)
Fandom has a very... particular culture that I've not seen imitated in the real world. I suspect there are quite a few reasons for this, but the fact that it's all pretty much online is no doubt the biggest. I first came into fandom with the expectation that we'd all congregate over love for our chosen media and boy oh boy, that definitely wasn't the case. The way a lot of these girls/women behave, you can't get away with that shit in real life.
IDK it isn't only online in my experience:
I tried to be part of my local Fandom scene when I was in my twenties (I live outside a city and we have a very active fandom and convention scene) and it was uncomfortable and weird there, too. I hung out a bit with some of the people who were very active congoers (and con runners) and everyone was always getting trashed and there was an underlying assumption that your participation meant you wanted to hook up, which I did not. I expected to be hit on by men I wasn't interested in but I was unprepared for all the other socially awkward nerdy women to be so sexually uninhibited and to express disapproval that I wasn't interested (not even in them! Just that I wasn't interested in hooking up in general.)
And there was so much drama all the time. I never knew enough of the people to know who was being talked about, even though people would tell me stories as if they assumed I knew so lol I had half-context stories about people I didn't know and wouldn't recognize if I did know them.
I recently got into this fandom and I was surprised that there were like 10 people who say they're autistic or neurodivergent. I'm not sure if this is due to the self diagnosing contagion that seems to be going on or there's something about fandom that attracts autistic people. Oddly enough, I had a doctor who thinks I'm autistic and I want to get that checked out.
I can see how fandom can be alienating. I wonder if for me, it's more of a personal problem. I feel anxious trying to make friends with others.
'm not sure if this is due to the self diagnosing contagion that seems to be going on or there's something about fandom that attracts autistic people. Oddly enough, I had a doctor who thinks I'm autistic and I want to get that checked out.
I think some of both. When I was a teenager I asked my mother to take me to a convention for the first time and as soon as we stepped through the hotel doors she joked about how it was the perfect setting for me bc all the other attendees were obviously (in her eyes) also autistic.
There definitely is an element of it attracting autistic people. (Which I think is because you are a part of the community simply because you like the same book or movie; you don't have to like the people. I have always found it easier to bond over shared interests than over small talk or similar, so I think that's a big part of it.)
I used to draw fan art and write fanfics when I was younger but I haven’t had the motivation for years now. It doesn’t help that the state of fandoms nowadays is so depressing. I seriously admire your courage to be open about your views!
Your art looks great btw! Your line quality is amazing 🤩
I don't blame you honestly. It really sucks, how something that was supposed to be fun has been corrupted by gendies. And there's really nowhere else to go to engage with others over a show, game, book, etc that you love without running into rabid TRAs.
And thank you! I love making lines, but I'm trying to get better at painting and rendering. So trying to reduce my dependency on lines, but my brain is so focused on them. I would love to find a course that would help me improve my painting instead!