GC Social MediaAny other radfem fanartists out there?
Posted August 23, 2023 by ivahian in GenderCritical

Would love to meet others in fandom that don't subscribe to gender woo. The world of fandom is saturated with this trans horror show. I can't go anywhere on Tumblr without seeing art of trans glorification. At first I could tolerate it (as in, agree to disagree), but after a pretty shitty experience in my old fandom, I no longer can. Feel free to message me if you wanna talk more. I'm also IvaHian on Twitter, where I am an out and proud TERF on my fandom account. Check me out if you wanna know more about me before we talk!

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ivahian [OP]August 24, 2023

Fandom has a very... particular culture that I've not seen imitated in the real world. I suspect there are quite a few reasons for this, but the fact that it's all pretty much online is no doubt the biggest. I first came into fandom with the expectation that we'd all congregate over love for our chosen media and boy oh boy, that definitely wasn't the case. The way a lot of these girls/women behave, you can't get away with that shit in real life.

starlitdelusionsAugust 24, 2023

IDK it isn't only online in my experience:

I tried to be part of my local Fandom scene when I was in my twenties (I live outside a city and we have a very active fandom and convention scene) and it was uncomfortable and weird there, too. I hung out a bit with some of the people who were very active congoers (and con runners) and everyone was always getting trashed and there was an underlying assumption that your participation meant you wanted to hook up, which I did not. I expected to be hit on by men I wasn't interested in but I was unprepared for all the other socially awkward nerdy women to be so sexually uninhibited and to express disapproval that I wasn't interested (not even in them! Just that I wasn't interested in hooking up in general.)

And there was so much drama all the time. I never knew enough of the people to know who was being talked about, even though people would tell me stories as if they assumed I knew so lol I had half-context stories about people I didn't know and wouldn't recognize if I did know them.