YT was recommending me some videos of a creator who made a few videos about TIMs, TransWidows, how stuff like OnlyFans is bad for women overall etc.
Those videos were good, but they were sponsored by a company that sells "Male Underwear". And then I saw her other videos. Sad to say the primary audience seems to be males by the title of her videos. Didn't watch it all, but her videos about Trans Widows was interesting. Atleast someone is talking about it
The ads that get chosen by YT itself also follow their algorithm. Google knows if you're male/female/trans based on their data collection so they know who's watching what videos and adjust ads accordingly.
I think those ads are personalized to YOU though. Not the creator.
I clicked a bra ad once on Twitter and now nearly all my YT ads are for that bra company. No matter what I’m watching.
You can choose to not accept cookies when you visit a site. That's how they track you through your browser. Or better yet, install ublock origin , which automatically blocks all the ads and tracking cookies
Oh yeah, that's true.