My daughter's primary school have a TIM, I overheard a teacher "correct" himself yesterday to this "girl" (a boy in an extremely short skirt, length definitely not allowed for actual girls). I'm so annoyed. It's such a tiny school, years are actually combined so I wasn't expecting it. Now I'm sure that gender programming will be included in the PSHE course and I'm wondering if there's any way I can just opt out of it, maybe a religion we can become or something?
My daughter is already confused. I didn't understand why until I connected the dots today but a few days ago she was really upset and asked me when she would turn into a boy... I work in a sector where cancellation would end my career and as a lone parent I can't risk that. I also can't risk my daughter being completely indoctrinated into the self-hating man-serving girlhood these arseholes are trying to inflict on her.
I genuinely am at a loss for what to do.
(Also, as an aside, this kid couldn't have been older than 7... so young to have the delusion entertained!)
The first thing is to reassure your daughter that, no, she is not going to turn into a boy. She was born a girl, and she will grow from a little girl into a big girl, and then into a woman.
Then you could say that there are some boys who are very unhappy being boys and some girls who are very unhappy being girls (reasons, if she asks, they think their family will love them more if they were different, they feel people are mean to them because they're a boy/girl, or they feel that they don't know how to act like a real boy or girl), Right now, some parents and teachers think they can make the these boys feel better by asking everyone to treat them as girls, and these girls feel better by treating them as boys. Just about all these children will grow out of these feelings, but it may take them a while.
If need be, you can have further talks about politeness and boundaries, about not having to be a friend to someone you don't want to be, and the problem of "teachers pets" who are allowed to get off with bad behaviour and with hurting other people--which is a problem that has existed long before trans came along.