Need Advice or SupportTIM at primary school?
Posted September 26, 2023 by JaneDoeIsDying in GenderCritical

My daughter's primary school have a TIM, I overheard a teacher "correct" himself yesterday to this "girl" (a boy in an extremely short skirt, length definitely not allowed for actual girls). I'm so annoyed. It's such a tiny school, years are actually combined so I wasn't expecting it. Now I'm sure that gender programming will be included in the PSHE course and I'm wondering if there's any way I can just opt out of it, maybe a religion we can become or something?

My daughter is already confused. I didn't understand why until I connected the dots today but a few days ago she was really upset and asked me when she would turn into a boy... I work in a sector where cancellation would end my career and as a lone parent I can't risk that. I also can't risk my daughter being completely indoctrinated into the self-hating man-serving girlhood these arseholes are trying to inflict on her.

I genuinely am at a loss for what to do.

(Also, as an aside, this kid couldn't have been older than 7... so young to have the delusion entertained!)

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TananaSeptember 27, 2023

Maybe there is another school nearby? Leaving for better with no explanation is the easier way to protect your daughter without getting cancelled

JaneDoeIsDying [OP]September 28, 2023

We aren't in the catchment area for any other schools, unfortunately, and we live month to month at the moment so can't afford to move. If I could, I'd do it in a heartbeat