GoodGoneGirlFebruary 10, 2022

“It’s a big 'screw you' to women,” the Penn swimmer said. “This is the ‘cool’ thing to do right now," she added regarding the enabling of males competing in women's sports. "I’m positive that no one thinks this is OK. Or at least anyone with a brain, anyone with an education. Anyone knows there are differences between men and women. And I really think that they need to be called out, name by name, and called misogynists. Because then, maybe they’ll be afraid.”

I really like this girl. She doesn’t do the “TWAW” thing or dance around the fact that Thomas is a man. I wish there was something we could do to help. This must be so frustrating for her.

“I really want to start calling out every single athletic director or every athletic department person, every Penn administrator, every single NCAA director, and start calling them out by name, everywhere that I can, and say, ‘This person,’ by name, is a misogynist.”


[Deleted]February 10, 2022

I love her and her no-nonsense tone! 💪

RadicalFebruary 10, 2022

She's right and she should say it.

I hope the misogynists and anti-feminists don't ruin her education and career for speaking the truth, but I fear they may try

Researcher1536February 11, 2022

Daaaamn 👏 👏

WatcherattheGatesFebruary 10, 2022

Poor kid . . . she still thinks anyone cares about being called a misogynist. Literally no one cares about women, so no one will ever be punished for being a misogynist:

“It’s a big 'screw you' to women,” the Penn swimmer said. “This is the ‘cool’ thing to do right now," she added regarding the enabling of males competing in women's sports. "I’m positive that no one thinks this is OK. Or at least anyone with a brain, anyone with an education. Anyone knows there are differences between men and women. And I really think that they need to be called out, name by name, and called misogynists. Because then, maybe they’ll be afraid.”

JupiterFebruary 10, 2022

I care. I appreciate her call.

WatcherattheGatesFebruary 10, 2022

I care, too. But the "Because then, maybe they'll be afraid" ain't gonna happen.

ChronicityFebruary 10, 2022

We have to make them afraid.

Make them lose customers (businesses).

Make them lose enrollments and alumni donations (colleges).

Make them lose subscriptions (newspapers).

Make them lose elections (politicians).

We are over half of the population. We can do it.

WatcherattheGatesFebruary 10, 2022

Why hasn't it already been done, then? I am asking sincerely, because unless we know the answer to that question, nothing will change.

ChronicityFebruary 10, 2022

Because we don’t do any of those things when misogyny occurs. Women, by and large, don’t act like a cohesive interest group. We have been conditioned to see our oppression as just the way it is.

My point is that it doesn’t have to be this way. We can create the consequences that influence social change. It just takes a lot of work.

Nediljka_OrwellFebruary 11, 2022

Trickle down had to happen, LOL. The devils in the details had to be become real, visible and undeniable. In theory trans rights sounded ok to most people. The narrative was that TiPs were vulnerable and there’d be no conflicts. Due to lack of imagination, or empathy, or whatever, the early dissenters were dismissed as being transphobic haters due to lack of evidence. But seeing is believing, and Lia’s male body and his easy record breaking wins has made those abstract objections into undeniable and rational ones.

proudcatladyFebruary 10, 2022

Most women are male-centered. Most of us will not join forces to change anything. We could if we wanted to but wives have husbands, girlfriends have boyfriends, mothers have sons and that will always take priority over helping women.

femlez34February 10, 2022

To clarify, the "transgender people" they care more about are men. No one is campaigning to help TIFs cheat.

To be fair, both political parties care a lot more about men than women, we live in a patriarchy after all, it's just hypocritical since dems like to pretend that they're such feminists. Women are the majority of the dem base, I don't understand why party leaders can't see that this is suicide for them. I think they miscalculated and assumed that all of us are such doormats that we'll just roll over and accept this to "be nice".

EavaFebruary 11, 2022

TIFs don't want to compete with men. They want to win. Look at the Yale TIF swimmer who isn't taking T so she can continue swimming on the women's team.

femlez34February 11, 2022

There are a lot of examples of TIFs joining men's teams and being bench warmers. In any case, I have no problem with the Yale TIF competing on the women's because she is a woman. She isn't taking any kind of steroids, so that's the appropriate team for her. Her imaginary gender ID has as little to do with what team she should compete on as her zodiac sign.

proudcatladyFebruary 10, 2022

So far most women are doing exactly that. So it looks like their strategy is working

femlez34February 10, 2022

Most women still haven't heard of Lia Thomas and have never met a TIM, trans issues aren't really on their radar. I was an ally and was only peaked after interacting with a lot of them in lesbian spaces, most women haven't had those experiences yet, but I think will peak easily once they know the facts.

[Deleted]February 10, 2022

Men. The left care more about men than they care about women. And as absolutely everybody knows, trans women are men.

Gould2022February 10, 2022

Mix of identity politics (a group that will always vote democrat. Democrats got the black and LGBTQ’s voters - 20% before hitting the streets) and it benefits males

ClarbgFebruary 11, 2022(Edited February 11, 2022)

Feminism is identity politics. Gay rights is identity politics. Identity politics isn't a bad thing. I don't get why people throw that saying around like it's supposed to mean something negative?

BiblikliAkyeretTerf7February 11, 2022

I don't think of feminism (female liberation) and gay rights/liberation as "identity politics" because those movements fight for aspects of personhood which exist in material reality and cannot be identified into or out of. One doesn't have to "identify" as female to be concerned with or benefit from (even if not concerned with) our liberation, because people either just are or are not female. I dunno, maybe I just see idpol a bit differently than what it used to be because it's so screwed up, but I don't see how feminism is a form of idpol other than worrying about whether or not women 'identify' as feminists. It's always been the case that most women don't, so I guess that aspect seems kinda moot to me.

Gould2022February 11, 2022

It’s a good thing if the party the says they support identity politics actually follow thru.

NotCisFebruary 10, 2022

Someone get this woman an Ovarit code! I love her strength.

HildegardVonBees [OP]February 10, 2022

I really wish someone would contact this swimmer and get her to publish an anonymous article somewhere herself where she can lay out her entire argument.

[Deleted]February 10, 2022

Truest statement about the left that I have heard in a while.

CnemidophorusFebruary 10, 2022

I hope these women find ovarit or another similar community so they know they are not alone and there are people (women specifically) out there who massively support them.

sarstanFebruary 11, 2022

They care more about MEN than women.

[Deleted]February 10, 2022

Women deserve so much better than this shit

[Deleted]February 10, 2022

Bravo. I'll be telling my library more or less the same when I do my exit interview.

Hopefully this will get more people paying attention to what the trans movement is all about. I'm not holding my breath, but I'm hoping this will get some wheels turning in peoples' heads.

[Deleted]February 10, 2022